Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A snapshot into my daily life.......You think you've got it bad? HA!

So, here's my what has happened around here over the past 2 weeks....

       My 12 (13 in a few weeks) year old (Internal, Anxxiety ridden, SPD issues and now is confirmed on the spectrum) scored a 9 out of a possible 10 on the ADOS (Autism Diagnostic observation scale) I tried to tell her about the results yesterday, and it did not go well. She was devastated to say the least! And my heart goes out to her....I'll have her IEP next week.....She's gone froma Straight A student, to having 2 F's, a C- and a D! GAH!!!!!!

      My almost 4 year old (Severely Speech delayed, Toe walking ADHD, SPD & Obviously ASD like behaviors) had her ADOS Re-Do this morning...She did much better than last time (which is good and bad), because the smart little stinker remembered the test! So now I'm nervous, I don't know what the results will be. But I'm confident that the current Psychologist handling her case now will make sure all of the supports are in place for her.

       My 2 1/2 year old, (Speech delayed, SPD  Sensory Seeker who mouths everything and has even eaten Glass, and has Autistic like behaviors) had her Psych eval at the regional center last week, we were there 3 1/2 hours and it was exhausting! While I sat and attempted to fill out 300 hundred questions, she pooped 2 times, was attacking the other girl ion the room with a  large blow up toy, and continuously tried to climb into the little girls, fathers lap. She escaped into the corridor 2 times, and once followed people into the office building just before the door shut and locked! She was however, her usual self which was nice. Rather than play with the toys, she preferred to turn the lights off and on, continuously open the door after repeatedly being told no, and then began to root through anything she could that was not a toy. She even managed to unscrew the door stop from the wall.  She now has in home speech FINALLY! And has been assessed and approved for in home OT, however the 1 and only (apparently) OT that is willing to drive to our area to do in home therapy, just quit! 6 months of fighting for a service, and now they are telling me there is no one to provide it :o(

        My 9 1/2 year old (dx'ed with High Functioning Autism, ADHD, SPD & Anxiety) has become more aggressive, more verbally expressive in regards to his feelings which is FANTASTIC!!!! However he told me "I feel like a Cockroach, everybody hates Cockroaches" and then as I tried to comfort him he said "It's like my life has always been an uphill battle" It broke my heart to hear he felt that way, However I was filled with joy that he was able to express his feelings so Clearly!!!!  In the last month he Hit a 3 year old, Kicked a 12 year old, and punched a 5th grader in the back....and he called the aid in his class a Bitch a few days ago.  ::Palm Face::

 My Husband has been gone on a Business trip since Sunday afternoon.....and My Nanny asked for a 100$ per week raise that I couldn't afford, and only wanted to work 4 days per week all summer. I anticipated her to continue coming (especially THIS week) and to my shock, she interviewed for a new job on Sunday, was hired on the spot and never came back. 

  So......How was your last week or so? ;o)