Friday, February 24, 2012

Sensory Processing Disorder...What is it?

Sensory Integration Dysfunction Symptoms are, by far, the most important factors we should identify and call attention to!

They ARE the signs that something is not developing normally, and must not be ignored!

As a parent, it begins with the feeling and frustration of...

"Something is not right... Something is different... Why does he do that... I'm at a loss... How do I understand and help my child... Why is everyone telling me it is my fault and to stop letting him control me... I'm exhausted!"

 As a teacher, it begins with the feeling and frustration of...
"Why is this child so disruptive in class... Why is he so different than the rest of the children... Why is learning so difficult for him... Why can't he write legibly... Why is he so fearful... Why won't he play with the other kids... How do I even begin to understand and help him?"
Well, perhaps I can help! First, we must understand some basics about sensory integration/sensory processing.

Sensory integration is a normal, neurological, developmental process which begins in the womb and continues throughout one’s life.

   Although, it is important to note, the most influential developmental time is in the first seven years of life. Sensory processing is the process by which our brain takes in sensory input and interprets this information for use.

When talking about typical sensory processing, a productive, normal and “adaptive response” happens as:

  • our neurological system takes in sensory information

  • the brain organizes and makes sense of it

  • which then enables us to use it and act accordingly within our environment to achieve “increasingly complex, goal-directed actions”.

  • ** It is this “adaptive response” which facilitates normal development.**

    We, therefore use our sensory processing abilities for:

  • social interaction

  • motor skill development

  • focusing and attending so we can learn

  • If this neurological process becomes disrupted somewhere in the loop of intake, organization or output, then normal development and adaptive responses will not be achieved.

    Learning, physical and emotional development, as well as behavior will therefore be impacted; sometimes severely!

    It is this disruption which yields a neurological dysfunction called Sensory Integration Dysfunction/Sensory Processing Disorder.

    Keep in mind, sensory processing functions on a continuum. Please understand that we all have difficulty processing certain sensory stimuli (a certain touch, smell, taste, sound, movement etc.) and we all have sensory preferences. **It only becomes a sensory processing disorder when we are on extreme ends of the continuum or experience “disruptive, unpredictable fluctuations which significantly impact our developmental skills or everyday functioning”.**

    That being said, it is important for us to break the sensory integration dysfunction symptoms down into categories based on each of the senses.



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