Thursday, October 13, 2011

From Break Down to Break Through! pt 1

     Well, this will be short  because it's 1am. But I wanted to just give a really quick update!  I had a Break Down today, that lead to a Breakthrough!  I will 1st say I got on my face and begged God to take over the situation with the school, because I saw no end in sight and definitely no real solutions for my son....and I was on the brink (or was in the middle) of a Nervous Breakdown.  Not 5 min. after my Session of desperate pleading.....did my phone ring. It was the school...They were calling to cancel our IEP meeting that was set for this morning.

  If you have just joined me on this journey, this was meeting number 3! Our 2nd continuation, that was going to now include the Special ed Coordinator from the district. Because I am STILL trying to prove eligibility.

 So needless to say, that call absolutely sent me over the edge. I had been spending close to 10 hours a day preparing for this meeting, researching, printing, copying, highlighting etc....I had to take time off work ( I work from home, but it still set me back which is hard). I've been running on an average of 3 hours of sleep per night, since having my son home. It's been 3 weeks, and has required me to devote about 80% of every day to work with him on behavior and communication.

Does any of this sound familiar?
  • Use your words,
  • Don't talk so mean,
  • Don't throw that, 
  • Stop Jumping on the furniture, 
  • Be Careful of the baby, 
  • You Just SMACKED the baby! 
  • stop flipping on the couch
  • don't kick things,
  • don't throw that
  • Go Pick it up
  • don't talk so mean!
  • Get dressed before you go outside, and put on some underwear this time!

    And that entire list occurred about twice an hour!

So clearly I was at the end of my rope.....And I told the principal that as well.

To Be Continued.......(because it's 1:30 now! ahhhh!!!!)

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