Saturday, October 15, 2011

From Breakdown to Break Through pt 2

I'm Back!!!!  OK so in my last post I was talking about how the Principal called to re-schedule out IEP meeting (this was to be the 2nd continuation) and that pretty much triggered a Nervous breakdown. Being told that Independent Study time had run out, and my son would be dis-enrolled from the school if he didn't come back or transfer that day. UGH!

 So.....I was supposed to take my son to a school, where the resource teacher was telling him "You're really smart, I've seen you do this before, and if you don't do your work I'm going to call your mom. What will she think when I call and tell her you aren't doing your work?"
 And also kids will make soft buzzing noises at him in class to make him freak out, then he gets in trouble...etc...The List goes on and on and on!

 Well, her words in our phone call were ringing through my head "you say he has these meltdowns, but I've never seen anything like that at all, so I can't really say he needs and help"  GAAAHHHH!!!!! You want to see a Meltdown? I'll show you a Meltdown!

 I took a really big gulp, and with a Lump in my throat told my son he needed to get dressed because I was taking him to school. :(   Needless to say...that did not go over very well. However it did prove my point, and We were able to sit and talk for real now.

   By the grace of God the Special Ed Coordinator ended up walking through the door shortly after we got there....I guess the mention of an Attorney and suing the District for non-compliance and personal damages perked a few ears up. Not the most strategic move on my part I know, but as I told you, I had a Breakdown. I felt backed into a corner with no other options. So instead of curling up into a ball, I came out Swinging!

    The Special ed Coordinator was able to see all of the test scores that I pointed out...Looked over his exit from his original IEP...and agreed that he needed further testing. They are going to use the ADOS, Perform a Speech and Language Assessment, and an OT assessment!  I am so relieved to Finally get to the bottom of what is going on with my son!

   To top it off, the Psychologist who will be administering the ADOS screening for Autism, called me and told me that My input as a Mother was more valuable than anything they observed during the test! What a Breath of Fresh Air!

  The battle was won, but the war is not over. I still have to deal with my son talking to me like I'm his worst enemy on a daily basis. Do you have any idea how hard it is to teach a 9 year old with a TON of Pent up anger and frustration how to just breathe and be nice? I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy! I mean, he literally does not know how to sound nice! I have to model it for him...and it feels dumb and is very draining...and only making small progress! Siiiiiiigh! Please Keep us in your prayers mama's!

   I will keep you all posted as I take this journey with my son, and share all of my revelations with you!

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