Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Thank you Jesus for Google!

So reading through my Son's test scores there were NUMEROUS results, Comments and findings that were EXTREMELY upsetting.  So I sat, and read, and cried.

  And then I got Angry >;o/ I wanted to know what all of this meant! And WHY they didn't go over it with me in the meeting! 

ESPECIALLY THIS: (all quoted word for word from his assessment)

V.Summary of Findings and Consideration of Eligibility

Functional Implication for Suspected Learning Disability:  Based on the data presented in this report, the multidisciplinary assessment team determined that the severe discrepancy between ability and achievement does not exist to the degree that "He" cannot be adequately served in regular classes without the provision of special services other than those provided under the compensatory education programs.

Psychological processing delays for consideration towards determining if a handicapping condition is applicable include abnormal attention span coupled with weaknesses in processing speed. Grade Level WJ3 (woodcock Johnson 3), report cards and most recent test results indicate he has achieved at an expected rate to his Peers.  To Note, "His" attention span score will be relevant for consideration of the OHI (other health impaired) category.  In terms of strength, "He" is in the Verbal Comprehension/Auditory Skill, Visual Processing, and fine motor skills. Coined, "He" is a Visual learner that reaches potential through hands on type activities linked with exchanges in verbal conversation. When paper-pencil tasks occur under a specific time constraint, failure is predicted to surface due to the processing speed deficit. This tenet was noted in the 504 documents, attached to the end of this report.

Emotional Disturbance should be considered by the team in light of the teacher and parent inputs to include ASEBA data along with "His" behavioral hardships. Keeping in mind, "He" has only 2 listings in his online record, an amount counter to children generally categorized in special education with an Emotional Problem.

Highlighted to the reader and multi-disciplinary panel is the overwhelming success noted from most recent state test data, commensurate with teachers comments and report card marks. In core area's of reading, writing and math he has never scored below 2 or 3 for the last 3 years of report cards. "His" achievements in Language arts and Math is proficient and advanced. The main area of concern pinpointed by this investigator is believed to stem from behavior, to complete work without protest. "

UMMMMMM?????         You don't have to be a Rocket Scientist to understand what that report says....Please share your comments......Am I the only one who see's how completely contradicting these "Findings" are? And WHY did the Psych fail to read this portion of the report at the meeting?

I've since had a second meeting and brought all of this to light with data to back up what I KNOW is wrong with my son.....but I'll have to blog about that tomorrow...Off to Sew!~

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