Saturday, October 15, 2011

From Breakdown to Break Through pt 2

I'm Back!!!!  OK so in my last post I was talking about how the Principal called to re-schedule out IEP meeting (this was to be the 2nd continuation) and that pretty much triggered a Nervous breakdown. Being told that Independent Study time had run out, and my son would be dis-enrolled from the school if he didn't come back or transfer that day. UGH!

 So.....I was supposed to take my son to a school, where the resource teacher was telling him "You're really smart, I've seen you do this before, and if you don't do your work I'm going to call your mom. What will she think when I call and tell her you aren't doing your work?"
 And also kids will make soft buzzing noises at him in class to make him freak out, then he gets in trouble...etc...The List goes on and on and on!

 Well, her words in our phone call were ringing through my head "you say he has these meltdowns, but I've never seen anything like that at all, so I can't really say he needs and help"  GAAAHHHH!!!!! You want to see a Meltdown? I'll show you a Meltdown!

 I took a really big gulp, and with a Lump in my throat told my son he needed to get dressed because I was taking him to school. :(   Needless to say...that did not go over very well. However it did prove my point, and We were able to sit and talk for real now.

   By the grace of God the Special Ed Coordinator ended up walking through the door shortly after we got there....I guess the mention of an Attorney and suing the District for non-compliance and personal damages perked a few ears up. Not the most strategic move on my part I know, but as I told you, I had a Breakdown. I felt backed into a corner with no other options. So instead of curling up into a ball, I came out Swinging!

    The Special ed Coordinator was able to see all of the test scores that I pointed out...Looked over his exit from his original IEP...and agreed that he needed further testing. They are going to use the ADOS, Perform a Speech and Language Assessment, and an OT assessment!  I am so relieved to Finally get to the bottom of what is going on with my son!

   To top it off, the Psychologist who will be administering the ADOS screening for Autism, called me and told me that My input as a Mother was more valuable than anything they observed during the test! What a Breath of Fresh Air!

  The battle was won, but the war is not over. I still have to deal with my son talking to me like I'm his worst enemy on a daily basis. Do you have any idea how hard it is to teach a 9 year old with a TON of Pent up anger and frustration how to just breathe and be nice? I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy! I mean, he literally does not know how to sound nice! I have to model it for him...and it feels dumb and is very draining...and only making small progress! Siiiiiiigh! Please Keep us in your prayers mama's!

   I will keep you all posted as I take this journey with my son, and share all of my revelations with you!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

From Break Down to Break Through! pt 1

     Well, this will be short  because it's 1am. But I wanted to just give a really quick update!  I had a Break Down today, that lead to a Breakthrough!  I will 1st say I got on my face and begged God to take over the situation with the school, because I saw no end in sight and definitely no real solutions for my son....and I was on the brink (or was in the middle) of a Nervous Breakdown.  Not 5 min. after my Session of desperate pleading.....did my phone ring. It was the school...They were calling to cancel our IEP meeting that was set for this morning.

  If you have just joined me on this journey, this was meeting number 3! Our 2nd continuation, that was going to now include the Special ed Coordinator from the district. Because I am STILL trying to prove eligibility.

 So needless to say, that call absolutely sent me over the edge. I had been spending close to 10 hours a day preparing for this meeting, researching, printing, copying, highlighting etc....I had to take time off work ( I work from home, but it still set me back which is hard). I've been running on an average of 3 hours of sleep per night, since having my son home. It's been 3 weeks, and has required me to devote about 80% of every day to work with him on behavior and communication.

Does any of this sound familiar?
  • Use your words,
  • Don't talk so mean,
  • Don't throw that, 
  • Stop Jumping on the furniture, 
  • Be Careful of the baby, 
  • You Just SMACKED the baby! 
  • stop flipping on the couch
  • don't kick things,
  • don't throw that
  • Go Pick it up
  • don't talk so mean!
  • Get dressed before you go outside, and put on some underwear this time!

    And that entire list occurred about twice an hour!

So clearly I was at the end of my rope.....And I told the principal that as well.

To Be Continued.......(because it's 1:30 now! ahhhh!!!!)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Thank you Jesus for Google!

So reading through my Son's test scores there were NUMEROUS results, Comments and findings that were EXTREMELY upsetting.  So I sat, and read, and cried.

  And then I got Angry >;o/ I wanted to know what all of this meant! And WHY they didn't go over it with me in the meeting! 

ESPECIALLY THIS: (all quoted word for word from his assessment)

V.Summary of Findings and Consideration of Eligibility

Functional Implication for Suspected Learning Disability:  Based on the data presented in this report, the multidisciplinary assessment team determined that the severe discrepancy between ability and achievement does not exist to the degree that "He" cannot be adequately served in regular classes without the provision of special services other than those provided under the compensatory education programs.

Psychological processing delays for consideration towards determining if a handicapping condition is applicable include abnormal attention span coupled with weaknesses in processing speed. Grade Level WJ3 (woodcock Johnson 3), report cards and most recent test results indicate he has achieved at an expected rate to his Peers.  To Note, "His" attention span score will be relevant for consideration of the OHI (other health impaired) category.  In terms of strength, "He" is in the Verbal Comprehension/Auditory Skill, Visual Processing, and fine motor skills. Coined, "He" is a Visual learner that reaches potential through hands on type activities linked with exchanges in verbal conversation. When paper-pencil tasks occur under a specific time constraint, failure is predicted to surface due to the processing speed deficit. This tenet was noted in the 504 documents, attached to the end of this report.

Emotional Disturbance should be considered by the team in light of the teacher and parent inputs to include ASEBA data along with "His" behavioral hardships. Keeping in mind, "He" has only 2 listings in his online record, an amount counter to children generally categorized in special education with an Emotional Problem.

Highlighted to the reader and multi-disciplinary panel is the overwhelming success noted from most recent state test data, commensurate with teachers comments and report card marks. In core area's of reading, writing and math he has never scored below 2 or 3 for the last 3 years of report cards. "His" achievements in Language arts and Math is proficient and advanced. The main area of concern pinpointed by this investigator is believed to stem from behavior, to complete work without protest. "

UMMMMMM?????         You don't have to be a Rocket Scientist to understand what that report says....Please share your comments......Am I the only one who see's how completely contradicting these "Findings" are? And WHY did the Psych fail to read this portion of the report at the meeting?

I've since had a second meeting and brought all of this to light with data to back up what I KNOW is wrong with my son.....but I'll have to blog about that tomorrow...Off to Sew!~

Put it in Writing!

So I demanded a NEW assessment to be done, New Psych testing, the whole shi-bang! And apparently since I put my request in writing, they "Magically" agreed all of a sudden. So the Psych evaluation was done...the Academic Testing was complete and FINALLY my IEP date was coming up!

    The day was here, and we all sat down and all I heard was How Smart my Son was, His Test Scores were off the charts! (I already knew this but let them say their piece). Now here is where I made my 1st mistake. I had no idea I could ask for the reports and test scores in advance, so that I had a chance to actually read them!  Not only had I not read it, but I wasn't even given a copy until AFTER the meeting.

  So The Psych skimmed through the 23 page report offering "Highlights" when He felt they were worth noting. Such as... "He tested in the average range" "his academic performance meets/exceeds that of his peers, based on his Standarized State test results"  They mentioned in passing that his Visual Processing Speed index was slow, But "That means it takes him longer to look at his work and be able to make sense of it and complete it"  "But it doesn't mean he can't do it, he just needs more time allowance" You get the idea right?

      So Based on his Test scores, He did not qualify for an IEP because his ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder was not "Adversely Affecting His Academic Performance". (that term is remember it!)  And therefore he DID NOT QUALIFY for an IEP and that there was Nothing an IEP could offer him, that he wouldn't get from a "Beefed up 504 plan" 

    So after everyone finishes telling me how smart my son is on paper, they start to get into the Behavior issues. He will Not do his work at all...His teacher hadn't been able to get him to write 1 word ALL YEAR! (we were 3-4 weeks into the new school year already) Their remarks were, "We know he can do his work because we have test results that prove his intelligence" "He just needs to be more motivated" "His behavior is the main issue here" And then they proceeded to tell me how reward systems were no longer working, his teacher had modified his work SO MUCH, that she was only asking him to do 1 problem and would offer to reward him for it, STILL Not working!

     So Here I am, sitting in this meeting.....with all these professionals telling me that my son is NOT on the Autism Spectrum, That he seriously lacks motivation and has major behavior issues. Then they proceeded to tell me about their latest strategies to get my son "Motivated". The resource teacher told me that as my son sat and banged his fist on the table (in frustration) she sternly reminded him "Gabe, I know you can do this....I've seen you do it before, and you have 2 minutes. If your work is not done, then I will go call your mom and get her on the phone. What will she say when she hears you won't do your work?"And then she told me he had it done and turned in right after that.

   So I get the whole song and dance about how my Son "Does not meet the criteria to qualify for an IEP" and really does not need one. BUT if I insisted they could give him one based on his ADHD, but it would be a waste of time, because all he needed was a "Beefed up 504 plan"

   So While I hear about how Badly my Son is Behaving, and How they are implementing Scare Tactics which make Me the Bad Guy, My Stomach is in knots! What is WRONG With my kid? Why is he being SO BAD? This is NOT the Kid I know......So I pulled him out that day and said If he is being this bad...He will have to deal with me!

  So They basically Guilted/Conned me into signing that I agreed with their findings. And then made copies of everything for me to keep on file.......

       What they didn't anticipate, is that I would actually Read that Evaluation as soon as I got home.   Over and over and google words and test scores to see what they meant.

  I KNOW my son, who I gave birth to and raised....And he has never been defiant and rebellious, Nor has he ever been unmotivated.....So what is wrong with my Son?! I think I sobbed all the way home.....I was numb......What was going on with my little boy?

Sew Now I'm a Special Ed Law Expert?

Where to begin? I suppose we should do a past re-cap in a nutshell.

   When my Son was 4 and started in a Pre-K  program at a public school, It was almost immediately obvious that  he was different. He wouldn't play with other kids and instead did a "Shadow Play" ( he would sit next to and copy other kids, but not interact)
So of course, looking for answers, we had him tested. 
       When he was 4 he was diagnosed with PDD-NOS and we were told that  he had ADHD as well. After 1 full year of Pre-K and 1 Full Year of all day Kinder, he had to be retained. He still did not know the alphabet, and could only recognize about 6 letters. I fought to get him an IEP program, and it took the school almost 2 years to agree.  Anyway, He went to a resource class a few times a day...And he seemed to do OK with that.

    Well.....The school we transfered from when we moved, Had him with the same teacher for 2 consecutive years....and she just understood him! (We Love you Mrs. Hoffman!) So the School "Convinced" me that he didn't Need his IEP anymore, and that if I refused to agree it would be a Burden to them....And if I ever changed my mind, I could re-open it without question.....HA!

    Well unfortunately, the past 2 years have been hell for my poor son. He was constantly having his lunch time recess taken away for impulsive actions or even exaggerated physical movements and being unaware of his own personal space. :'o(

     Enough was Enough, and after 18 months of requesting an IEP  be reconsidered, again I was continually made to feel that my desire for an IEP was not warranted....that all he needed was a 504 plan, and I just didn't know what I was talking about............


Sunday, January 2, 2011

It all Started with a Little Sewing here and there.....

My Name is Johna and I am a stay at Home Mother of 4! I started sewing baby carriers for myself and a few friends as a "Hobby" and somehow ended up working 50+ hours per week! My Specialty is Custom Wrap Conversion Mei Tai's, And my Appliqué work on Custom Carriers. I recently Came up with a Unique Design for a *Hybrid Sling Waist* "Patent Pending" on My Wrap Conversion Mei Tai. The standard 2 strap tying waist felt claustrophobic and unflattering. So I thought long and hard to come up with a solution, and create the Perfect carrier for me! And I guess the rest is History, and you will only find a True *Hybrid Sling Waist* exclusively on a Bella Bambini Wrap Conversion. It combines 1 wide and very functional strap and a set of small sling rings. This provides  superior comfort, ZERO Digging, No more knot to lean against, and since the wide strap stays spread out wide...It provides a flattering Look as well! Minimize that Muffin Top Mama's!

In Short, The *Hybrid Sling Waist* is VERY Functional, Extra Supportive, Stylish waist Design, That helps you to feel comfort about your appearance while Baby Wearing.  Stays Put and Is Flattering!